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The DragonStar Chronicles: Book 3 – Gardenner’s Legend

Mister Tremendous, emperor of the galaxy in everything but official title, wants his dragon back. His company, Interstellar Transport (“the largest Enterprise of Commerce in ITTC Know Space”), controls a galactic trade monopoly with a mysterious race of cosmic dragons that are able to eliminate the distances of space-time by a technique called VoidBore. He is determined to preserve that crucial monopoly. Unfortunately for Tremendous, his young hatchling has already imprint-bonded with an alien usurper, and the infant dragon does indeed regard Sofi as his mother. To make matters worse, the dragon-thief has just been stolen by a competing alien race who would like to break IT’s monopoly. Sofi and her dragon are taken to Ambassador Chomm’s home-world, Gardennia, and are welcomed warmly. But Sofi is suspicious of their motives: she has already learned everybody wants a dragon…

Written and illustrated by J. E. Bowser, click HERE to download The DragonStar Chronicles: Book 3 – Gardenner’s Legend on DriveThruComics now!

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